Pantone announced the 2021 color(s) of the year yesterday. I am normally pretty good at predicting the color ahead of time. This year caught me off guard. ULTIMATE GRAY and ILLUMINATING were not the colors I expected. Pantone’s executive director Leatrice Eiseman described Ultimate Gray as “emblematic of solid and dependable elements which are everlasting and provide a firm foundation” such as the colors of pebbles on the beach,” while Illuminating is “a bright and cheerful yellow sparkling with vivacity.” The more I started thinking about this duo, the more I started to like it. After the year the event industry had in 2020, we all need a firm foundation with a spark of sparkling vivacity in 2021! Taking Ultimate Gray and Illumination as the starting point for event inspiration, I started to imaging variations of this pairing. Riffing on this, I started to imagine variations in this same color family. Mustard yellow, canary yellow, sunflower yellow, citron, ...